20 Questions to Kickstart Conversation


Photo: Seemi Peltoniemi/Unsplash

The holiday season is upon us, which can make for some awkward small-talk — particularly at parties where you don’t know a soul. I asked around, and here are some fun questions that can get anyone talking.

And if they don’t? Move along to the next person you see — you’re probably just dealing with a curmudgeon. Or talking to a cardboard cutout. (Yeah, that’s why Britney Spears was at your old roommate’s party and was remarkably unchatty…and looked like she hadn’t aged a day since her “Oops…I Did It Again” days.)

  1. Growing up, what was your favorite Ninja Turtle and why? (The answer reveals a lot about a person. Trust us.)
  2. What’s the best movie you’ve seen recently?
  3. What TV show was canceled too soon?
  4. How much does a polar bear weigh?*
  5. What recipe are you famous among your friends for making?
  6. What having you been dying to watch in your Netflix cue?
  7. If you won the lottery, what’s the most ridiculous purchase you’d make?
  8. What’s the coolest thing anybody’s ever gotten for you as a gift?
  9. What was your very first job, and what was the best thing about it?
  10. How do you know the host? (Simple, but effective.)
  11. What’s been your biggest cooking disaster?
  12. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever been given?
  13. What’s your favorite food of all time?
  14. What’s been the highlight of your week so far?
  15. Do you have any travel plans this holiday season? If so, where?
  16. Are there any places you’re dying to visit in the near future?
  17. What’s the most relaxing thing you’ve done lately?
  18. When people come to visit, what’s the first place you take them to?
  19. What’s your sign, and how much do you pay attention to horoscopes?
  20. What are your plans for Black Friday/next weekend?

*Apparently enough to break the ice.

Photo: Seemi Peltoniemi/Unsplash

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