Author: candacebd

  • What You Need to Know About Oprah’s Latest Book Club Pick

    If you cringe when people start telling painfully honest truths — if their honesty and their rawness makes you want to change topics, STAT — Glennon Doyle Melton’s latest book, Love Warrior, isn’t for you. But you should probably read it more than anyone. The Momastery blogger has never shied away from getting vulnerable, bearing…

    Photo: David Marcu/Unsplash
  • Toasted Coconut & Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies


    Chocolate chip cookies are my go-to “feel productive” project. Whenever I’m spinning my wheels or feeling stuck on an issue, I take a break to pull out flour, butter, sugar and eggs, and get mixing. Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, in particular, are my specialty — largely because they’re my husband Nate’s favorite, and because I…

    Best Toasted Coconut Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
  • Little, Invisible Decisions That Can Erode a Relationship

    The first time someone suggested deleting an Instagram post because it’d been 10 minutes and only a handful of people had liked it, I scoffed. How could you care that much what other people think of you? Why do you even pay attention to how many likes you’re getting anyway? I wondered. Today, I completely…

  • Diner en Blanc: Pop-Up Picnics That Will Make Your Summer

    Wearing all white to a dinner party seems like something only friends of P. Diddy — or people in a detergent commercial — would do, but Diner en Blanc makes an incredibly compelling case for busting out your brights. The organization hosts secret, pop-up dinner parties in major cities across the country, letting you know…

  • In Defense of ‘Ghostbusters’

    If you mention the new Ghostbusters movie to a group of people, you’re likely to immediately get some grumbling.  It’s the most disliked trailer on YouTube, and while the common refrain online is that it’s because people can’t stand the thought of an all-female Ghostbusters squad, the rationale I’m hearing most often is: “I don’t…

    Photo: Columbia Pictures
  • Pokemon Go Is the New Geocaching

    Every few feet, I spot one. Or rather, I spot a gaggle, as they often travel in small groups. At first, you might dismiss them as any other person too obsessed with their phones, heads and shoulders stooped, eyes staring intently at that 4-inch screen. Their hands give it away though. They often hover their index…

  • 5 Crazy Foods to Try This Year

    Between working at Delish and considering ‘eating’ one of my top hobbies, I’ve gotten to try a lot of crazy, over-the-top foods this year. I feel seriously spoiled, and out of all of the dishes I’ve tried, some stand out as clear winners (others are more WTF?!). Here are the ones I can’t get out of…

    Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagel at The Bagel Store (Photo: Candace Braun Davison)
  • What It’s Really Like at the Sweets and Snacks Expo

    There’s no real way to prepare yourself for the Sweets and Snacks Expo. Sure, you can study the map, but it doesn’t help you truly understand what four acres of candy and treats looks like. You can memorize Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, or religiously read press releases for every major brand in sight, but…

  • Your Fourth of July Party Playlist

    There’s something about summertime that demands an anthem (or, at the very least, a party playlist). Every year, websites, DJs and magazines jump to try to claim which song will be THE song. The one everyone can’t stop playing. The one every great memory of those wild months of freedom is tethered to. The one…

    Photo: Trent Yarnell/Unsplash
  • These Epic Slip & Slides Are Taking Over Cities Across the U.S.

    Now that there’s a themed 5K for just about everything, offering you the chance to get covered in brightly colored powder, drink beer while you jog, or leap over fire and crawl under barbed wire, it only makes sense event organizers are branching out into other interactive events that can tour the nation. Particularly ones…

    Photo: Slide the City - Epic Slip & Slides that take over a street
  • Why We Sometimes Crave Movies That Make Us Cry

    Some people love ultra-dramatic Lifetime movies, or heartfelt Disney flicks. A little piece of me has always taken pride in not being that person. In being the girl who has zero interest in anything from Pixar or Dreamworks; in being annoyed by click flicks and tear jerkers. The crazy thing is, the older I get,…

  • Themed Theme Park Outfits Are A Thing Now

    While scrolling Pinterest one day, one particular pin caught my eye: “Theme Park Outfit.” I’d seen collage-style photos for just about any type of setting — what to wear to a job interview, a wedding, a boozy bachelorette brunch — but this was a first. Some pins were practical, explaining the virtues of wearing layers…

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