Author: candacebd

  • What Jennifer Morrison Really Thinks About Her ‘Once Upon A Time’ Role

    As the star of ABC’s Once Upon A Time, Jennifer Morrison’s gotten used to playing the good guy (er, girl). She’s known as the savior, after all, destined to rescue the town of Storybrooke from an Evil Queen’s curse, in this mash-up of epic Disney fairytales. This past season, the tables were turned, with her…

  • Take a Mid-Week Trip to the Taronga Zoo


    Sneaking off to the zoo isn’t exactly an easy (or feasible) way to spend your lunch break, especially when that zoo happens to be in Sydney, Australia — requiring, at the very least, a boat ride to get to the Taronga Zoo, if you live in the city. Or, if you’re like me and live…

    See the koalas and other animals at the Taronga Zoo
  • Making Peace with Being Tall

    When you’re a girl who’s 5’11”, people usually have one reaction when they meet you: “Whoa, you’re tall.” It often comes before hello, and is usually followed up with, “Do you play basketball?” Sometimes, they’ll ask if you model, which feels a little less carnival freakshow-ish, since it implies that the person may think you’re…

    How I learned to make peace with my height issues
  • Zucchini Spaghetti Is One Feel-Good Dinner


    Spiralizers always seemed a little snake oil-ish to me. They promise to turn any vegetable into faux-pasta, but I just couldn’t believe it. Texturally, maybe, but taste-wise? Fuhgettaboutit. Then I received a handheld spiralizer. It sat in my cupboard for months, until one day, while trying to eat like Gwyneth Paltrow (cooking entirely from her…

    This Zucchini Spaghetti starts your week off (or resets it) on a healthy note. (Photos: Nathan Davison)
  • Frontiers: 6 Reasons to Book a Trip to Bruges


    Just about every time Nate and I told people we were headed to Belgium, they immediately asked whether we were headed to Bruges, followed shortly by: “Have you ever seen In Bruges?” It wasn’t in our immediate plan — I was headed to Brussels for work, so really, Brussels and chocolate, chocolate, CHOCOLATE! was all…

    Panoramic View of Bruges (Photo: Nathan Davison)
  • Frontiers: 9 Places You Can’t Miss in Brussels, Belgium


    Just weeks after visiting Brussels, terrorist attacks in the airport and a nearby metro station killed 32 people and injured several others. Nate and I were heartbroken to learn this news, and we pray for the families of everyone affected. I wrote this post before the tragedy, and now it seems just as important to…

    Gardens in Brussels
  • 6 Things I’m Loving This Spring

    Normally, I’m not a big shopper…until the first glimmers of spring pop up in store windows (and in my inbox). In that moment, something weird comes over me. Maybe I’m just really susceptible to marketing, and I subconsciously think that picking up new bathing suits and shorts and sundresses and sandals will magically will warmer…

    Photo: Will Langenberg/Unsplash
  • Kate Hudson’s Squint Test

    We’ve all been there: You’ve been running nonstop, constantly feeling three items behind on your to-do list from where you need to be, and the tasks keep piling up.  You’re feeling overwhelmed and you just want to break down, but you know you’ve got to power through — at least for the next few minutes,…

    Kate Hudson's Pretty Happy
  • The ‘Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,’ Part 2

    You know you’re old when you agonize over buying the right dresser — and excitedly await its arrival. I’m not quite at the psyched-to-spend-hours-at-Home-Depot stage, but I fear I’m getting dangerously close. Assembling said dresser became the massive project (along with baking cookies and catching up on The Flash/Arrow) of Winter Storm Jonas weekend, AKA…

    Marie Kondo Method of Organizing Drawers
  • This May Be the Strangest Super Bowl 2016 Commercial

    Let’s be honest: A huge incentive to watch the Super Bowl — maybe even bigger than the game itself — is the commercials. Companies spend millions trying to come up with the most infectious joke, jingle or slogan to captivate the 114.4 million people watching the big game, and you know that the next morning, everyone you…

  • What It Means to ‘Design the Life You Love’

    I’m a sucker for a workbook. Give me the chance to write out my feelings, and I will start scribbling incessantly, filling up every line of every fill-in-the-blank until I have to scrunch my words into the margins, letting my sentences curl up the page. They satiate my need to feel productive. Hey, I’m doing…

  • The Awesome Insight Hidden in Macklemore’s Album Announcement

    About 30 seconds into the video for Macklemore’s YouTube video announcing he and Ryan Lewis’s next album, This Unruly Mess I’ve Made, he uttered a line that made me stop and replay the sentence. Twice. It really struck a chord with me, which I was hesitant to admit, because often, once I critically think about…

    The brilliant advice hidden in Macklemore's album release announcement
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