Author: candacebd
Does ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ Really Work?
The premise of the KonMari Method, which many know as The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (AKA the No. 1 New York Times best-selling book), is pretty simple: Go through everything you own and keep what ‘sparks joy,’ discard what doesn’t. You’re instructed to start out by hugging items close to your heart, to help…
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The Rules of Write Club
What started out as a weekly text exchange between Aide Sierra Davison and I has turned into a full-fledged group, and I couldn’t be more excited! I couldn’t resist being totally cheesy and renaming the endeavor The 60-Day Write Club. It’s kind of like Fight Club … only we don’t beat each other up and…
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The Two-Month Novel-Writing Challenge
Confession: For the past four years that I’ve been writing down my annual goals, “complete a novel” has been one of the first things listed. Yet I’ve never actually completed one. I’ve come close, sure, but I always let other projects (or work, or binge-watching Netflix) get in the way, and before long, I’ve lost…
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That Awkward First Step Toward Progress
I rarely know what I’m doing 48 hours before New Year’s Eve, but ever since 2013, I’ve looked forward to one ritual on New Year’s Day: Going out to brunch and brainstorming goals for the year ahead. I know, I know — what a wild life, right? But honestly, it’s always fun to jot down…
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Let’s Set Some Goals For The Year Ahead
As earnest and treacly sweet as it sounds, Life Between Weekends launched one year ago to make goals happen. We wanted to push ourselves — and anyone else in our position, who often has a huge “I’d like to do that” list and struggles to find the time to conquer any of it — to…
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Give Yourself Permission to Take Time Off
One of the thrilling parts of the holiday season is the thought of taking time off. You imagine yourself completely agenda-less, basking in the glow of an open fire — or hearing the waves crashing on the beach, if you’re a fellow Floridian — but often, there’s one little snag. Work. Sometimes, it’s not even…
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How I Spent 30ish Hours in Nashville, TN
Some cities are great to visit, and you can’t wait to go back again and again. Certain cities, though, make you come alive. They’re places you could see yourself living in one day; or at the very least, regularly vacationing to. You just feel good there, like you belong; like this place gets you. At…
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Ranch-Roasted Broccoli & Cauliflower
Ranch makes everything better. There, I said it. Although anyone who’s ever spoken to me may not be surprised by that. I douse it on everything, I dip it on fries, I even wrote an ode to the salad dressing. Lately, I’ve been really into cooking with ranch seasoning and figuring out ways to use…
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Learning When to Say Yes
For the past few years, I’ve been enchanted by the concept of saying ‘yes’ to life (yup, kind of like that Jim Carrey movie, Yes Man). The idea of taking on any and every opportunity presented, of following your curiosity and seeing where life takes you just seemed all too appealing — and freeing. Sure,…
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9 Websites for Creative Gift Ideas
Inevitably, every holiday season, there’s someone on your list who stumps you. Maybe even multiple people (eek). If you’ve exhausted all of your usual haunts, and you’re still stuck on gift ideas, these sites may help. They’re some of my favorites for coming up with fun, unexpected-yet-awesome gifts. For the girly girl: Draper James If you…
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Accidentally Awesome Fudge Pecan Pie Bars
When it comes to Thanksgiving pies, only one matters in my family’s household: Chocolate pudding pie. It’s my dad’s specialty; so coveted he has to make two whole desserts (plus several pudding cups) to keep us from stabbing each other with forks, fighting for each morsel. I’m only just barely exaggerating here. The only one…
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You Don’t Need to Dissect Your Failures
Whenever something doesn’t turn out as planned, I typically overanalyze it until I make myself crazy. I intend to learn from the mistakes and move on, but my problem is that I rarely see the mistake, acknowledge it and keep moving forward. I pretend to do that, while inside, a tape recorder plays, looping the…
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