Author: candacebd
Give Yourself a Fresh Start
Welcome to Life Between Weekends! We’re here to infuse a little more joy (and, okay, a healthy dose of ridiculousness) into your weekdays, so you can live every day with that, “OMG, it’s Saturdaaaaay!” feeling. We’re serving up a new post every Monday-Wednesday, and on Sundays, our newsletter subscribers will get 10 reasons to look…
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Instant Happiness Boost: Taylor Swift-mas Is A Thing
You deserve to spend the next six minutes and eleven seconds feeling all gooey-happy-emotional (or as the kids say on Tumblr, get all the feelz). Even if you can’t stand Taylor Swift, you need to see what she did for “Swiftmas.” especially right around the 3:45 mark.
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The Secret to Gooey, Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
For years, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe. I’ve tried the ones on the back of every bag of semisweet chocolate chips, the infamous New York Times recipe (including its painful 24-hour refrigeration process), ones proclaiming to be “the ONLY CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE RECIPE YOU’LL EVER WANT!!!!” on Pinterest,…
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Take the “Daily Grind” Out of Your Work Week
Are you ready to reclaim your Monday through Friday, and squeeze a little more awesomeness out of every single hour? You’ve come to the right place. Sign up for our weekly newsletter, and we’ll keep you posted when we officially launch—and give you 10 reasons to look forward to Monday. I want to look forward…
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