Holiday Gift Ideas for Everyone You Know


Photo: Unsplash/Andrew Neel

It’s that time of year! You know, when you try to carefully word questions to friends and family, stalk their Instagram and Pinterest accounts, and do any other means of creative sleuthing (and mind-reading) to come up with the perfect gift for everyone on your list. It’s no easy task, so we scoured the web for some interesting oddities, categorizing them into Life Between Weekends’ primary sections: food, fun and fulfillment.

Check out our roundup, and if you still need more ideas, don’t miss our features on gifts that show off your hometown pride — and our list of 9 sites that can help you find unexpected presents for everyone you know.



Hey, everybody’s gotta eat.

Food Gift Ideas - Life Between Weekends
Food Gift Ideas – Life Between Weekends


Part of gift-giving is getting someone something superfluous that they wouldn’t necessarily buy for themselves. Practicality is overrated.

Fun Gift Ideas - Life Between Weekends


Just because it’s awesome doesn’t mean it can’t improve their minds (and lives) in the process.

Top Photo: Andrew Neel/Unsplash

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