How Will 2017 Be Different Than Any Other Year?


Photo: Meiying Ng/Unsplash

As much as I cringe at the thought of writing new year’s resolutions, I come up with a few (okay, sometimes several) every January, and 2017 is no different. I just carefully dodge the word ‘resolution,’ as if by calling it some other name, I won’t doom it to an early grave by Jan. 12th. Oddly enough, that often works*, but not because of the name change.

It’s largely because I get geeky with it, designing and printing out a card that I hang on my wall — no, seriously — that I can look at every so often. Sometimes, it empowers me (yesss, making progress on writing that book!). Sometimes, it shames me (uh, so what about that part about sending said book to an agent?!). Either way, I’ve found I’m way more productive putting the goals to paper, sharing them with someone else, and regularly having them stare me in the face, daring me to make a move toward progress.

In that light, we’ve created a printable for this year, too. Here’s the 2017 design. Print it, write up whatever you want to accomplish in the year ahead (no matter how big or small!), and tape it somewhere you’ll see it. If you’ve abandoned every goal by Jan. 12th, well, you’re no worse off than before. And you also have 11 1/2 months to get back on track, so there’s that.

You can also pin the image for later — as long as it doesn’t get lost in the great abyss of your boards — or right-click and hit “save as,” so you can fill it out at a later date.

2017 guide to setting goals

Download a PDF version here.

Here’s to a killer 2017! You’ve got this.

*These tactics don’t seem to work at all when it comes to flossing. I am terrible at flossing daily. No matter how many times I vow to do it, after a good couple weeks of it, I get lazy. Somewhere, my dentist is cringing (or maybe deviously rubbing his hands together Mr. Burns-style), but I’m, uh, working on it. Maybe this year will be my year.

Photo: Meiying Ng/Unsplash

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