An Inside Look at Epiphany in Tarpon Springs, FL


2015 Epiphany Celebration in Tarpon Springs, FL

Since we posted our Tarpon Springs tour and Epiphany preview, we thought we’d share the highlights for anyone who couldn’t make it.

Growing up in Tarpon, I never realized how unique the Greek Orthodox Epiphany celebration was — or how relatively unfamiliar most people were with it — but that became crystal clear when a friend posted photos from this year’s event, and the comments from people outside the area came flooding in: “Everything ok???”

2015 Epiphany Celebration in Tarpon Springs, FL
Photo: Melodene Braun

Now that I look at the photo — tons of people thrashing in the water in January — I can see why it’d cause alarm. Thankfully, as far as I’ve heard, there were no injuries or mishaps. (And no pranks, either — years ago, a morning show DJ filled the bayou with dozens of fake crosses, prompting several boys to burst out of the water, triumphantly holding a counterfeit.)

2015 Epiphany Celebration in Tarpon Springs, FL
The processional leading to the bayou. About 20,000 people were expected to attend the celebration. (Photo: Melodene Braun)

Congratulations to Kosta Pseftelis, who took home the honor this year, out-swimming 48 other divers to retrieve the cross!

2015 Epiphany Celebration in Tarpon Springs, FL
The cross has been found! (Photo: Melodene Braun)
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