Working for (More Than) the Weekend

Photo: Olu Eletu

Two numbers: 5 & 2. 5 > 2… Every time.

In many ways, this simple equation became the genesis for why Candace and I created LBW. I’ll let you in on a little secret that you already know: there are way more weekday days than weekend days.   Every week, Scout’s honor!  And if this equation has anything to say about it, I think it’s important that we make the most of those ‘5’ each week.

I work as a Sales & Development Trainer at and my company just launched a new ad campaign that seemed to dovetail with our mission perfectly. (And no, I’m not just saying that because I work there!)

The video showcases Mike Reno, Loverboy lead singer and writer of the hit song “Working for the Weekend.”  Reno admits that there was a time where every Monday was essentially a countdown to Saturday, and that, with a little help from Indeed, he doesn’t think that people are just working toward the weekend anymore.

I think it’s pretty neat to work for a company with a core mission of helping people get jobs. Take a look at the clip above, and here’s to finding the career you love!


This post is part of Life Between Weekends’ Tuesday Takeaway series. Every Tuesday, we’ll share the most compelling insight we’ve gleaned from a book, movie, tour, documentary or article to inspire you during the workday. 

Photo: Olu Eletu/Unsplash

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