‘Mythic Quest’-Inspired Halloween Costume Ideas


mythic quest costume ideas, based on the Apple TV show

It’s hard to believe we’re already on the final day of the 13 Days of Halloween! We figured we’d close things out with an Apple TV+ show that never fails to crack us up: Mythic Quest. ICYMI—which, given the severe lack of programming on Apple TV, we wouldn’t blame you—the comedy follows a group of people working at a gaming company, famous for producing Mythic Quest, an Assassin’s Creed-meets-World-of-Warcraft-esque game.

The characters are so over-the-top they make for great Halloween costumes, even if their looks are a little niche (as in, people may be asking you who you are half the night, but those you know, know, and will truly appreciate it). For this post, we chose two of the most dramatic stars…who happen to be the most easily recognizable, thanks to their pretty uniform looks.

How to Dress Like Ian from Mythic Quest:

Mythic Quest Ian Costume
Photos: Apple/Amazon/Teepublic

How to Dress Like Jo:

Mythic Quest Jo Costume
Photo: Apple/Amazon

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Lead Photo: Apple TV+

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