What started out as a weekly text exchange between Aide Sierra Davison and I has turned into a full-fledged group, and I couldn’t be more excited! I couldn’t resist being totally cheesy and renaming the endeavor The 60-Day Write Club. It’s kind of like Fight Club … only we don’t beat each other up and we encourage you to talk about the club.
So really, it’s nothing like Fight Club, other than the similar name. Pish posh.
Anyway, if you’re interested in joining, just leave a comment or reach out to us! We’ve even got a secret Facebook group, so we’re semi-legit. 😉
Here are the “rules,” which are absolutely subject to change and open to debate:
1. DO Talk About Write Club. That’s the only way we’ll hold each other accountable.
2. On Wednesdays, We Check In. Just post a message to the group or reply to someone’s message with an update on how things are going. You don’t have to wait until Wednesday, though. If you’re struggling with a character or plot issue, feel free to post about it!
3. Cut Yourself Some Slack. No time to write today? No problem. It’s a goal, not a life-or-death scenario.
4. Invite Anyone! If you know someone who’s interested in writing (fiction or nonfiction), tell them to join.
5. The Goal: 834 Words Per Day. That will get you over the 50,000-word mark (roughly the length of a 175-page book) by the end of 60 days. Some days you may crack 1,000 or more; some days you may fight to write a single word, and that’s okay.
6. Editing Totally Counts. You don’t have to start a novel from scratch during this challenge. You can use this 60-day period to work on an existing creative writing project, and if that means some days are spent editing what you’ve previously written instead of putting down fresh words, so be it. You call the shots.
PS — Confession: I secluded myself in my bedroom on Thursday night to work on my book, and wound up writing this post and creating the Facebook group instead. D’oh! Exiting. Screen. Now.
Photo: Marcus dePaula/Unsplash