Themed Theme Park Outfits Are A Thing Now


While scrolling Pinterest one day, one particular pin caught my eye: “Theme Park Outfit.” I’d seen collage-style photos for just about any type of setting — what to wear to a job interview, a wedding, a boozy bachelorette brunch — but this was a first.

Some pins were practical, explaining the virtues of wearing layers (to deal with scorching Florida days — and frigid indoor rides) or opting for cute sneakers over strappy (AKA blister-inducing) sandals, but what really caught my eye were the outfits that slyly winked at the reason you’re there. They were printed with lines from Disney or Universal movies, or had a subtle design that nodded to the flick without looking like a puff-paint t-shirt.

They’re discreet enough that you can wear these shirts without looking like you’re in costume; and you could wear them every day, if you’d like. Here are some examples:

Cake Dole Whip Tee

Poison Dole Whip Tee,

Ravenclaw shirt

Ravenclaw Alumni Sweatshirt, Etsy


Hocus Pocus Flannel Top,

Beauty and the Beast Bow

Belle Bow, Hot Topic


Haunted Mansion Tank, Etsy


Leaning Tower of Cheeza Shirt,


Mermaids Tank, Look Human


Monorail Bracelet, Etsy

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