12 Bizarre Things That Are Livening Up My Social Distancing Days


Darling magazine, and other ways I'm entertaining myself while social distancing

Now that the coronavirus pandemic creeps into its third month, many of us are starting to talk about our time in self-isolation in phases: “Remember when we were all obsessed with Tiger King?” And “Oh, that was during my eating-cookie-dough-straight-from-the-tube phase.” That sort of thing. We’ve all turned to different things to entertain, distract, educate and excite us, and lately, I’ve been loving hearing what people have been oddly obsessed with. We’re unraveling whole new facets of ourselves, expanding perspectives and insights. Here are some of the bizarre things I’ve stumbled upon and enjoyed.

  1. Ryan George’s Pitch Meetings — Nate and I have actually watched movies just to watch the Pitch Meeting that playfully tears them apart afterward. I have laughed until I cried.
  2. The @thankyouatoosa Instagram account — Your inner tween will relate to this in such a huge way.
  3. Knitting snoods — I have successfully knitted one snood. One. But that sense of triumph is colossal. And it might inspire me to knit another.
  4. Westworld, season 3 — CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS?!
  5. Silicon Valley‘s final season — THIS TOO?!
  6. BakingBanana bread, brownies, you name it. My chins keep doubling on Zoom and I’m blaming it on my laptop’s angle, but we all know the true culprit here.
  7. Afternoon walks — The absolute best stress reliever in these uncertain times, I’ve found.
  8. Making pop culture cupcakes — Remember Peppa Pig? And Spongebread Squarepan? It’s a full-blown addiction.
  9. Darling magazine — It’s half magazine, half journal, so naturally, I’m unable to resist the chance to navel-gaze as I work my way through each and every prompt. (But seriously, the concept of a quarterly mag with an interactive theme is a refreshing take on print media, and I am here for it.)
  10. Aromatherapy — I’ve shrugged off diffusers for years, but after finally getting one this spring, it’s quickly become part of my morning routine, creating a sense of calm as I make the bed and start the day.
  11. Primitive building videos on YouTube — I have lost hours on a weekend to staring in slack-jawed awe as I watch someone else build an entire home and underground pool. While I sit on the couch and do absolutely nothing.
  12. Sorting through childhood toys — Now I just need to figure out what to do with all of these old Barbies, Beanie Babies and NSYNC memorabilia. My head says “sell it,” my heart says, “eh, tomorrow.” So far, I’ve been listening to my heart.

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

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