What Do Jade Rollers Actually Do?


Emerie Uses A Crystal Roller

No, really. I’m not asking for a friend. What do jade rollers (and their various crystal iterations) actually do, and why are they so alluring?

I’ve seen them on beauty blogs and in people’s Instagrams for months, but I never understood the hype. It seems like a dozen different people have two dozen different reasons for owning one, including reasons that sound like straight-up pseudoscience (really, rolling a crystal on your face will get rid of wrinkles forever?!). After having a baby, though, and getting so exhausted that all of the muscles in my face literally ached, I decided to take a closer look into them. Here’s what I’ve learned — and what I thought of trying one for the past month.

jade roller review
Photo: Amazon

What Crystal Rollers Do:

They’re essentially a mini massager for your face. They can reduce puffiness, as the cold stone restricts blood vessels in your face as you use it, Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, told Allure. You can use it on its own, or to help slather on eye cream or moisturizer.

How I Felt After Using One:

First, a disclaimer: No, I didn’t actually use a crystal roller on my baby. I jokingly took a pic of Emerie with one as a joke on Instagram, not because I’m paranoid about inflammation or anything on her.

crystal roller review - Amazon
Photo: Amazon

Second, my experience: I have a rose quartz roller, and while it didn’t do anything to reduce wrinkles for me, it was incredibly soothing on my aching face. Some people recommend storing one in the fridge, so it’s extra cold when you go to use it. To me, the stone was naturally cool enough that I didn’t need to. I used it on its own and when applying moisturizers and serums; the lotions and serums helped it glide easier (and let me multitask), but one application wasn’t better than the other. Ultimately, it’s great for temporarily relaxing tired muscles, and it helped bring down puffy undereye bags.

You can buy a crystal roller at most major beauty stores, and on Amazon. Here’s the one I have. (Note: This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I receive a commission from qualifying purchases.)

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